MOON Buildings & Structures
The Apollo Moon Conspiracy
The reason why some people think that the Apollo 11 moon landings were faked is that many of the images were doctored.
Radio transmissions were also switched to keep the Moon UFO’s that followed the Apollo missions to the surface,
as well as the intelligent structures that were found there, a secret. These UFO’s go some way to explain some of the
strange lighting effects that people point out in many of the Apollo pictures. You can clearly see them in some of these NASA photos.
Some of the astronauts have recently testified on film about these UFO’s and structures.
The conspiracy that states that the Moon landings were faked was started by NASA according to Richard C Hoagland.
Memos were handed to the press in the early 1970’s to start the ball rolling. The perfect cover for the secret space program.
Distracting any potential Moon landing skeptics. The spawning of this huge homemade conspiracy was a total distraction.
Then for decades people were all arguing about whether they even went to he moon instead of keeping an eye on them. Clever.
So it was all a huge psyop gig to confuse and disrupt any potential trouble makers.
Joe White – ArtAlienTV
There are many ruined buildings and structures on the Moon. Most are ruins but many are clearly
visible both from satellite and in rover images if you know where to look. This is digital exo-archaeology !
See video descriptions or my Gigapan site for image links.
MOON Base Structures Found - Lunar Pump Station ? ArtAlienTV
This amazing Moon image shows a large dome structure with pipes going into the crater surface as well as other large crater buildings nearby. One is a prefect black triangle and another is a blown out rectangular high-rise block structure. Incredible stuff to see here. Any establishment muppets that say these are lava tubes or meteors can go .......!
SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉
Apollo Moon Buildings & Lunar Base Structures - Playlist
Miles high Moon towers, giant domes, bases, mining machines and massive alien structures all photographed during the Apollo Moon missions on the 1960's and 70's. The Apollo archive is a treasure-trove of alien intelligent structures when you know how and where to look for them.
Just add contrast to the images and you will see massive buildings in some lunar craters. Some are so large they can and have been seen from Earth by amateur astronomers from around the world.
Moon & Ceres Alien Bases & Buildings - Playlist
Our Moon and Ceres are covered with intelligent structures. Towers, lights, bases, roads, domes and even huge glass structures that are often disguised as craters and natural geological features. The Moon seems to have been mined in the past and may still be being mined now. Perhaps many of the UFO's on Earth emanate from the Lunar bases in the astonishing Tycho Crater and the far side of the Moon that is hidden from Earths view.
Many say that we never landed on the Moon but we did. All the anomalies in the Apollo images can be explained by the the fact that the images were doctored to hide the structures and UFO's that were present during the Apollo Moon walks. The strange lighting effects, shadows, reflections and heavily edited photos can all be accounted for if you had bothered to do extensive research as I have. Keep an open mind.
Giant Moon Cylinder Found - Lunar Buildings - ArtAlienTV
Some massive base structures on the Moon. One a giant cylindrical shape miles long, a crater base, a large crystal dome in the distance, one is a domed tower and many more crazy structures that are hard to deny. There are many more smaller ones in this amazing Apollo 11 image taken from the Eagle but these were the clearest to show. #Moon #Cylinder #Structure
See SuperZoom Gigapan here👉
Latest ArtAlienTV Pans 👉
MOON PIPES & DOMES - Apollo 8 - Alien Mega-structures. ArtAlienTV
" Some massive pipe structures protruding from a Moon crater next to a dome and giant buildings in photos taken during the Apollo 8 and 15 NASA missions as they flew above the lunar surface in 68 and 71. The main crater here is around a mile or two wide so these are massive constructions. Probably millions of years old.
Is the giant pipe extracting helium 3 from below the surface? It looks like a mining operation.
All the Apollo manned (7 -17) mission pictures have now been uploaded on flickr for all to see.
They are high quality, roughly equivalent to planetoids surface and are at 300 pixels per inch. That's real good. Tuck in folks, there is much to be found.
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on October 17th 2015 and first published on YouTube October 23rd 2015.
Image Credit: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA image links:
Huge Moon Ball Structure Found - Lunar Sphere - ArtAlienTV
A huge ball / sphere on the Moon. In a large crater. Check it out. Apollo 10 mission image.
CHECK THIS ONE OUT - Very similar one on Mars >
Mars Dome & Pyramid Structures - Benton Crater Sphere. ArtAlienTV
MOON FACTORY ? Transformer Structure in Apollo 8 Image ? ArtAlienTV
What looks like a giant dome/building structure on the Moon surface in this Apollo 8 image. We called it a factory for want of a better name but it may be an ancient alien UFO ship that landed and started mining the this area for some rare element. Perhaps helium 3 or some very rare metal. Could it still be active?
When you see the amazing 3D illustrations from engineer Mike Zoetmulder it may remind you of a transformer as it looks like the side structures could fold under the main central section and perhaps it could fly away. Is it possible that an alien race built this as a huge ship that landed, deployed it's gear and equipment as our rovers do on both Mars and our Moon today ? This is perhaps 2 miles wide or more. Impossible to say with assurance but it is very large indeed.
This may be neither a ship or a factory but it looks like a giant intelligent dome structure of some description.
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on September 11th 2016 and originally published on YouTube by ArtAlienTV - September 17th 2016.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA image links:
MOON TOWER & CITY - Lunar Base Structures 3. Apollo 8. ArtAlienTV
" Another huge tower on the Moon. At 1 km high it has what seems to be a lunar base or city structures near it. I also take another look at the Giant White Moon Tower and a new illustration I was sent by Mike Zoetmulder. Many thanks to him.
There are loads of crazy structures in this Apollo 8 image from the NASA archive on flickr. The structures are way too big to be down to pixelation or image distortion. Many look semi transparent and may be glass as some researchers have suggested.
I also point out the image artifacts like human hairs and shards of paper to compare to the obvious lunar structures. They look very different in both shape and luminosity to the massive 3 dimensional buildings.
See the Channel 5 TV documentary that I recently appeared in here:
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on September 17th 2016 and originally published on YouTube by ArtAlienTV - September 23rd 2016.
Tower Illustration Image Credit: Mike Zoetmulder
Image Credit: NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA image link:
Huge Rectangle Buildings Spotted on the MOON - ArtAlienTV (Part 1)
Part 1 - Some massive rectangular building structures on the Moon photographed by the Apollo 11 mission before it landed on the surface 50 years ago in 1969. These must be very big indeed to even show up at this level of elevation. As I have shown in previous lunar videos these are on a huge scale and are either in or next to some of these so called craters. Craft, mining machines, towers, domes and intelligently designed complexes. #Moon #Buildings #Structures
✔ NASA image links:
Huge Rectangle Buildings Spotted on the MOON - ArtAlienTV (Part 2)
Part 2 " Some massive rectangular building structures on the Moon photographed by the Apollo 11 mission before it landed on the surface 50 years ago in 1969. These must be very big indeed to even show up at this level of elevation. As I have shown in previous lunar videos these are on a huge scale and are either in or next to some of these so called craters. Craft, mining machines, towers, domes and intelligently designed complexes. #Moon #Buildings #Structures
✔ NASA image link:
MOON TOWER & CITY - Lunar Structures - Apollo 8 - ArtAlienTV (R)
Another huge tower on the Moon. At 1 km high it has what seems to be a lunar base or city structures near it. The one at the start of the video is a piece of paper stuck to the image - see the pinned comment for more.
I also take another look at the Giant White Moon Tower and a new illustration I was sent by Mike Zoetmulder. Many thanks to him.
There are loads of crazy structures in this Apollo 8 image from the NASA archive on flickr. The structures are way too big to be down to pixelation or image distortion. Many look semi transparent and may be glass as some researchers have suggested.
I also point out the image artifacts like human hairs and shards of paper to compare to the obvious lunar structures. They look very different in both shape and luminosity to the massive 3 dimensional buildings. #Moon #City #Structures
NASA image link:
China Spots Cube Buildings on Moon - Lunar City Structures - ArtAlienTV
Large building structures on the lunar far side captured by China's Chang' e-4 mission on the Moon. Multiple rectangular and cube shaped structures and some possible vehicles less than a mile from the lander built into the edge of the crater. Is this a city?
These are quite visible without enhancing the image. I only added a bit of contrast to show them in better detail.
There are many more structures but I only picked the larger ones from this panoramic composite image from the Chang'e-4 Moon mission gallery. #Moon #China #Cube
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on 26th May 2019 and
published on YouTube first by ArtAlienTV - 27th May 2019.
Image Credit: CNSA
✔ Image page link:
MOON - LEANING TOWER - Apollo 10 - Alien Mega-structures. ArtAlienTV
A structure resembling a large collapsed / leaning Moon tower or pipe in a very odd arrow-head shaped crater. A strange building / hanger with a possible door / entrance in a seemingly disguised ovoid crater.
Also a very large possible alien intelligent machine like device that may be miles long near the horizon and an odd H shaped structure in these "Apollo 10 Moon images" taken from a height of 8 miles back in 1969.
First found by ArtAlienTV on 2nd April 2015 and first published on YouTube April 6th 2015.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
NASA image links:
" More very large buildings and tower like structures on the Moon in these Apollo 8 images from 1968. As I have established in my recent videos, there are intelligent building like structures in some of these lunar craters and they are on a huge scale way above our Earth buildings. That would be possible to do on the Moon with less gravity. The question is, how old are they and who built them?
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on September 29th 2016 and originally published on YouTube by ArtAlienTV - October 4th 2016.
Image Credit: NASA
NASA image links:
Part 1 " What looks like a huge machine on the Moon or could it be a crashed space ship/shuttle UFO? It has a debris field behind it and a possible mound in front of it. Could it be mining the surface material for helium 3 or is it a crashed ship from thousands of years ago? As it is on an upward slope I would suggest a mining machine as a crashed ship would unlikely slide up the edge of a crater in such a way. But I now think it could be a hovercraft and the low gravity could explain it's position.
There are many more intelligent structures in this Apollo 8 image but most are too far away to see clearly. I may come back to them later if I can find some closer shots of them. Watch this space.
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on September 11th 2016 and originally published on YouTube by ArtAlienTV - September 17th 2016.
Image Credit: NASA
NASA image link:
GIANT MOON MACHINE (Part 2) 3D. Apollo 8 UFO ? ArtAlienTV
" Want to see some alien tech then see these astonishing 3D illustrations of the giant Moon machine I found recently in an old Apollo 8 photo. Is this a downed UFO? Brilliant work here by Mike Zoetmulder who spent many hours reconstructing what this lunar anomaly would have looked like if it were in newer condition. Many thanks to him.
It really helps to visualise this alien ship like structure that I now think resembles a massive hover craft with a large engine and amazingly aerodynamic lines reminiscent of a racing car or futuristic space shuttle. This is not a natural structure as can be seen even in the raw NASA photograph from 1968.
See part 1 for more details on where to find it. HERE
First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV on September 11th 2016 and originally published on YouTube by ArtAlienTV - September 17th 2016. All 3D illustrations by Mike Zoetmulder.
Image Credit: NASA