MARS Writing & Glyphs

Giant 50 foot tall graffiti, carved numbers and letters on possible grave stones and even a name plate on an old Martian boat. 

In Gale and Jezero Craters. Some of it looks a bit like English, Aramaic or Arabic in character shape. 

See video descriptions or my  Gigapan site  for image links.

MARS Glyphs on Stone Block. AI Removing Evidence. ArtAlienTV 

Mars Glyphs found on a cut stone block. NASA Curiosity Rover. I also show many other examples of Martian writing by both rovers. Extensive evidence for a past civilization. AI removed this from F-Book. Can it read this alien text ?

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here:

SOL 4213 MR (EN 40)

SOL 153 ML (EN RAW 1)

SOL 551 MR (EN RAW 1)

SOL 145 ML (RAW 40)

Perseverance SOL 385 

Glyphs and Structures found on MARS - Perseverance. ArtAlienTV 

Latest images from Mars show an artificial mound just like Silbury Hill. Some crazy glyphs and sculptures all in Jezero Crater near the Perseverance Rover. Some really stunning Mars gigapans to see here. Enjoy !

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here:

Perseverance SOL 395

Perseverance SOL 388

Perseverance SOL 387

Perseverance SOL 385

Silbury Hill 

Giant Glyphs / Letters on MARS - Graffiti Subculture - ArtAlienTV 

Huge numbers/letters on Mars. At Mt Sharp we see two very large examples of Martian glyphs as well as a good close example from Jezero Crater in the latest images from Perseverance. There seems to have been a subculture with their own style apart from the establishment art of large official statues. Interesting. #mars #nasa #perseverance #curiosity #rover #images

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here 👉 

MSL SOL 1877 👉

MSL SOL 3172 👉

PERCY SOL 145 👉 


New remastered Mars rover images of writing on a rock in Gale Crater. This Curiosity Rover anomaly was first spotted by Monte Williams in 2014 and has largely been ignored so I thought I would remaster the pictures for more clarity.

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉 

50 ft Graffiti Found on Mars Mountain Side - ArtAlienTV 2020 

Some very large graffiti on a Mars mountain side. In this rover image are possible letters perhaps 50 feet tall or more. This is a very interesting image set from Sol 1877 taken by the Curiosity Rover in Gale Crater. It shows Mount Sharp from a distance of over 3 km with the camera zoomed in to about 1 km effective view distance. This is big. Spotted by fellow researcher Neville Thompson.

SuperZoom Gigapan Here 👉

MARS Writing Revealed - Glyphs and Ruined Structures - ArtAlienTV 

Writing on Planet MARS. Clear Letters/Glyphs here. Also ruined concrete structures and many strange artefacts including some very cool optical rock illusions.

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here 👉 

Sol 3033 👉

Sol 3010 👉

Sol 2950 👉 

MURAL PAINTING Found on MARS - Ancient Fresco - ArtAlienTV 

A bright and colourful Mural on Mars in this Gale Crater Curiosity Rover image of a supposed butte that is actually a ruined building. It has exposed internal walls with art on them and gargoyles above and below. #Mars #Painting #Structures

MSL SOL 1441 MR (EN) Murray Buttes South View - ArtAlienTV-Gigapans

MSL SOL 1441 MR (RAW) Murray Buttes South View - ArtAlienTV-Gigapans 

Sign found on MARS - Martian Alphabet / Writing - ArtAlienTV 

A corroded old sign on Mars. May have been on a boat or structure that is now buried in the sand. The 3d letters look like some of ours. A bit like Times Roman Bold perhaps.

From Curiosity Rover Sol 3170 - Mast Right.

SuperZoom Gigapan Here 👉

ArtAlienTV-Gigamacro Main Page HERE 👉 

MARS SHIP CONFIRMED from SPACE (Part 3) New Images - ArtAlienTV

🧐 New measurements confirm this 53 foot Mars boat with a number plate. Not a ship as I stated before in earlier videos. To be a ship it would have to be over 65 feet long. The large blue rock at the bow (front) of this boat can be seen both in the satellite MRO images and in the rover images from Sol 37. Confirming it's identification. Case solved. 

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉

ArtAlienTV-Gigamacro Main Page HERE 👉

NASA image links -

First found by Joe White - ArtAlienTV in July 26th 2014 and 

published on YouTube first by ArtAlienTV - July 26th 2014

Original video here - 

MARS RIVER BOAT with NUMBER PLATE (Full Version) ArtAlienTV 

(Full Version) " A boat on Mars in a dried up river bed just below Mount Sharp not far from the "Mars Traffic Light" and "Mars cannon gun". It has a clear number plate that says 29.S on the front and shows signs of damage but is in remarkable condition which is further very compelling evidence for recent activity on Mars in Gale Crater. Also some possible "UFO  saucer" type wreckage on the mountain side here.

Mind boggling stuff.

The number plate says 29.S but this may mean something very different on Mars as we don't yet understand their writing symbols.

The boat itself is over 80 feet long and is very similar to a small cabin cruiser and may have an inboard engine as there is no outboard motor visible on the back.

This anomaly appears in dozens of pictures taken on many different days and years. The number shows in all 20 or more of them.

The numbers are in 3d ie they have shadows so are sticking out from the number plate appearing to read 29.S ".

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉

First found and published on YouTube on July 26th 2014 by ArtAlienTV 

MARS - Egyptian Style Statue with Glyphs - Structures / Ruins - ArtAlienTV 

An amazing quasi Egyptian looking statue on Mars with glyphs on it. Also a snake and some indisputable intelligent structures and oddities in recent Perseverance and historic Curiosity images. #mars #nasa #perseverance #curiosity #rover #images

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here 👉 


MSL SOL 1355 👉

Pyramid & Ruins on Mars ! Own Up NASA ! ArtAlienTV

Mars Shelter, Boat or Bunker Structure Near Curiosity Rover - ArtAlienTV 

MARS Chair Found ! Game of Thrones ! ArtAlienTV 

Mars Rover images show a large chair and glyphs as well as many other fragments of an ancient civilization in what was a large building structure right here. You can even see the exposed concrete floor in rectangular sections ! The chair / throne looks like it may be carved from a tree that is now petrified. Also some strange glyphs on a flat faced rock and some very spooky sculptures and remains.

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉 

From Mars to Atlantis - Plaque and Glyphs - ArtAlienTV 

MARS images show a plaque/carving of a human warrior and a large rock with a very obvious "A" shaped symbol and other glyphs on it. Astonishing !

Did the Martians come to Atlantis on Earth with there art and culture that later lead to the post Atlantean pyramids around the Earth in Egypt, Central America and Asia ? These similarities are tantalizing ! You heard it here first !

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here 👉

SOL 3298 👉

SOL 265 👉 

MARS Graffiti Writing Found - New Gigapans - ArtAlienTV 2020 

More amazing graffiti writing on Mars. 40 ft tall letters at Mt Sharp. Also a look at some other astonishing finds in some newly completed Mars gigapans to search.

SUPERZOOM Gigapans here 👉 

Graffiti 👉 

Writing 👉

Lizard Man 👉

Lizard Men 👉 

Writing found on MARS Wall - Ancient Alien Remains - ArtAlienTV 

This looks like writing on a Mars wall. Also some other interesting wreckage, remains and objects in the same area including a shrouded sitting mummy.

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉


MARS - The BATMAN - High Status Art and Glyphs - ArtAlienTV 

A high status statue of a human on Mars. Looks a bit like Batman or even Dracula. Possibly a priest or King wearing a gown with a large collar. Also some glyphs and smaller gargoyle like sculptures by these buried and ruined structures that appear as mounds. Some amazing details here in Jezero Crater. Perseverance Sol 153. #mars #nasa #perseverance #curiosity #rover #images

SUPERZOOM Gigapan here 👉